Bad Eagle: Casino Indians ruining everything

"Casino Indians are turning Americans against Indians, and the Indian cry of �racism� is an empty echo in this circumstance, not because racism doesn�t exist, but because here the accusation is false and disingenuous. California casino Indians are clearly in the wrong, and making fools of Indians everywhere.

This has been my fear for some time. Two-and-a-half years ago I posted my first article on the ill-effects of Indian casinos. Other articles followed. Now with Governor Schwarzenegger�s public pronouncement, my concerns are obviously justified. I have �prophesied� that casinos would be the ruination of Indians, and California is the beginning of the end. Indian sovereignty will be lost altogether, because of its blatant abuse.

But who�s really abusing it? Is it just the Indians who are trying to rip off California? "

Get the Story:
Schwarzenegger and the Indians (Front Page Magazine 11/3)

Relevant Links:
Bad Eagle - http://www.badeagle.com

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