tag: oig

Investigating how the Biden Administration Ignored Cries for Help from Students at Haskell Indian Nations University
The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development meet for a joint hearing on Haskell Indian Nations University.
Investigating how the Biden Administration Ignored Cries for Help from Students at Haskell Indian Nations University
The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development are looking into Haskell Indian Nations University.
Monica Tranel
The candidates for Montana’s Western U.S. House seat faced off in public forum twice, tangling over abortion and the economy and dissecting each other’s attack lines as the election approaches.
Ryan Zinke, Kevin Brown and Lynn Malerba
Former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is back in the news but it’s not because of his campaign for public office.
St. Stephens Indian School
Sexual harassment, parties with former students and unusual living and salary arrangements are at the center of a stunning investigation at the St. Stephens Indian School.
Zortman-Landusky Mine
The Fort Belknap Indian Community and conservation groups continue to oppose new mining claims near the reservation in Montana.
Christine Benally
Every day that Christine Benally looks out of the window of her home, she’s reminded of how the federal government failed to protect her child.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs has “jeopardized” billions of dollars set aside for the Cobell land buy-back program, according to an internal review.