Many Americans view South Dakota as a backward red state. It is not a red state because of the nine Indian reservations within its borders because the voters residing on those reservations are historically blue. Check an election-day map by coloring all of the red and blue counties and you will find that every Indian reservation in the state will be colored blue.
It is a red state because its legislative body is fast becoming the most determined “morality police” in the nation. The state became a laughing stock last year when it tried to push through an anti-abortion law that would have put doctors in jail. The voters put the proposed law on the ballot and soundly defeated it. Was that the end of it? Not on your life. Here it is 2007 and the “morality police” in state government have made amendments to the defeated proposal and are trying to get it passed again. Last week a legislative committee suffering from abortion fatigue rejected this year’s version of the abortion ban.
The bill was amended to include exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother in an effort to put the objections of the majority of state citizens to rest. But the bill is not dead yet. State Senator Dennis Schmidt of Rapid City, a Republican of course, said, “It’s too important. It’s a life-or-death issue.”
I am reminded of a comment I saw on a blog on It said those lawmakers pushing to overturn Roe v. Wade “are a bunch of old white men trying to tell women how it is to be a woman.” It is ironic that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has joined this religious parade.
Last year we had a bunch of tribal council members on the Pine Ridge Reservation trying to do the same thing. They broke with a long history of culture and tradition in order to express their new Christian ethics. They impeached their first ever woman president, Cecelia Fire Thunder, because she was an advocate of Roe v. Wade.
In the turbulent 1960s and 1970s South Dakota was known amongst American Indians as the Mississippi of the North. Racial prejudice and discrimination was not only widespread but also inherent to a white culture still steaming over the demise of Custer and his 7th Cavalry at the Little Big Horn. Troopers sporting Seventh Cavalry banners still march in present-day parades.
White South Dakotans are still enamored of an editorial written in 1891 by L. Frank Baum in the Aberdeen Saturday (SD) newspaper calling for genocide against the remaining Sioux population after the massacre at Wounded Knee when he wrote, “perhaps we should wrong them one more time and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth.” He must have been thinking about that comment when we wrote the flying monkey scene is his book The Wizard of Oz 10 years later.
When I was a student at Holy Rosary Indian Mission on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, a school run by the Jesuits of the Catholic Church, there was a strict code fashioned by the Church that governed the morals of movies produced in that era. On the one night of the week when we were allowed to see a movie we had no idea that the movie we watched had to be approved by the Church.
Things haven’t changed much in communities like Rapid City. The local movie theater owner decides which movie is going to be shown in this city. It reminds me of the good old days when the Catholic Church did the same thing. When the Michael Moore movie Fahrenheit 9/11 came out a couple of years ago many of us had to make strong vocal protests to the theater owner before he would screen the movie. The Last King of Scotland and Queen have not been shown in Rapid City yet although the lead actors in both movies have been nominated for Oscars.
That’s the kind of mind control and moral policing I am talking about that is a regular occurrence in this fair state.
Indian columnists like myself are barred from writing for the state’s two largest dailies, one owned by Lee Enterprises and the other by Gannett. I am sure that neither Lee Enterprises nor Gannett would approve of this censorship if they knew about it. It is strictly a local decision. The old adage that “Freedom of the press belongs to those who own the press” is never truer than in South Dakota.
When a white columnist for the local daily can compare the Pine Ridge Reservation to Iraq and get away with it that should tell everyone about the state of mind in this state.
Former Democratic Senator Tom Daschle just endorsed Barak Obama for president and since Daschle is from South Dakota his endorsement will hardly matter because this red, red state will never go blue for a black man.
Perhaps South Dakota would shed its identity as a “redneck” state if its legislative body and its governor spent more time trying to solve its horrendous racial problems between Indians and whites and worried less about policing the morals of its mainly white citizens.
The efforts of racial reconciliation in South Dakota died with former Republican Governor George Mickelson and there hasn’t been a politician or governor of courage and true morals since. It seems they are too worried about telling women what it is to be a woman.
McClatchy News Service in Washington, DC distributes Tim Giago's weekly
column. He can be reached at P.O. Box 9244, Rapid City, SD 57709 or at Giago was also the founder and former editor and
publisher of the Lakota Times and Indian Country Today newspapers and the
founder and first president of the Native American Journalists Association. He
was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard in the class of 1990-1991. Clear Light Books of
Santa Fe, NM ( published his latest book, "Children
Left Behind."
Tim Giago: 'Chief Illiniwek' does his last dance
Tim Giago: Greed is the new
God in Indian Country (2/12)
discusses 'dark legacy' of boarding schools (2/5)
Tim Giago: Writing helped heal wounds of abuse
Tim Giago: How many others will
die over Iraq? (1/22)
Tim Giago: Apache
journalist opens doors in media (1/15)
Tim Giago: Newspaper fills gap in South Dakota
Tim Giago: Recognize an Indian
hero in the new year (1/2)
Tim Giago:
Christmas and Lakota traditions (12/25)
Tim Giago: Sen. Johnson never wanted the spotlight
Tim Giago: The 1890 massacre at
Wounded Knee (12/11)
Tim Giago: R-word
just as insulting as the N-word (12/4)
Tim Giago: Mainstream media lacking in accuracy
Tim Giago: Thanksgiving - A
holiday of the imagination (11/22)
Giago: State stifling growth on reservations (11/20)
Tim Giago: Taking stock of Election Day 2006
Tim Giago: Few roles for Indians
in Hollywood (11/6)
Tim Giago: Freedom
of the press has a chance (10/31)
Giago: Important election day for South Dakota (10/24)
Tim Giago: White media ignores Indian contributions
Tim Giago: Termination a dirty
word in Indian Country (10/10)
Domestic violence from a male perspective (10/3)
Tim Giago: Culturecide started with innocent
children (09/19)
Tim Giago: Indian
people mark 500 years of terrorism (9/11)
Tim Giago: Lawsuit challenges church on abuse
Tim Giago: Day of reckoning for
Oglala Sioux Tribe (8/29)
Tim Giago:
Tribes giving up their sovereignty (08/08)
Giago retires as editor and publisher of magazine
Tim Giago: States looking for ways
to take from tribes (8/1)
Tim Giago:
Religion invaded Native America (7/25)
Tim Giago: Daily screw ups in tribal governance
Tim Giago: Happy Birthday to Van
Cliburn and me (7/11)
Tim Giago: South
Dakota tilting further to the right (7/3)
Tim Giago: Americans still the invaders in Iraq
Tim Giago: Tribal colleges in
Bill Gates' backyard (6/21)
Tim Giago:
Gaming brings new wealth, new problems (6/13)
Tim Giago: 'Oz' author called for genocide of the
Lakota (6/6)
Tim Giago: Too much
uncertainty in gaming (5/30)
Tim Giago:
Deny gaming to newly recognized tribes (5/23)
Tim Giago: Congratulations to the class of '06
Tim Giago: Rich tribes should
help poorer tribes (5/9)
Tim Giago:
Fighting substance abuse at Pine Ridge (5/2)
Tim Giago: Censorship in the mainstream media
Tim Giago: Brainwashing on Pine
Ridge Reservation (4/18)
Tim Giago: The
growing pains of tribal sovereignty (4/11)
Tim Giago: Indians most affected by immigration
Tim Giago: Little attention for
Native American Day (3/28)
Giago: Oglala
Sioux president on state abortion law (3/21)
Tim Giago: The road to true tribal sovereignty
Tim Giago: The basketball miracle
of 1936 (3/7)
Giago: Real problem in
South Dakota is race relations (2/21)
Tim Giago: Yes, Virginia, Indians do pay taxes
Tim Giago: Gas-guzzlers, Indian
cars and the Big Three (2/7)
Tim Giago:
Lions, Tiger, Bears and Indian mascots (1/31)
Tim Giago: Christians and Muslims still at war
Tim Giago: Bush started Iraqi war
over 'dark lie' (1/17)
Tim Giago: Fire
Thunder out of limbo after 66 days (1/10)
Tim Giago: The Olympics of Indian basketball
Tim Giago: BIA schools turned
abused into abusers (12/13)
Tim Giago:
Fire Thunder shakes up establishment (12/6)
Tim Giago: Della Warrior steps down from IAIA
Tim Giago: Deloria gave Indian
people a voice (11/22)
Tim Giago:
Indians never forced religion on others (11/15)
Tim Giago: Exposing false medicine men (11/8)
Tim Giago: Government ignores Indian health
problems (11/1)
Tim Giago: Indian
newspapers revise history (10/25)
Giago: Two friends make journey to spirit world (10/18)
Tim Giago: Politicians need to know Indian law
Tim Giago: Doors opening to
Indians in South Dakota (10/4)
Giago: 'Indian' myths and misconceptions (9/27)
Tim Giago: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina
Tim Giago: NCAA loses its spine
on mascot policy (9/13)
Tim Giago: The
Indian 'scandal sheet' phenomenon (08/30)
Tim Giago: Indians became refugees in own land
Tim Giago: Censor tribes for
supporting mascots (8/17)
Tim Giago: New
addiction takes over in Indian Country (08/02)
Tim Giago: Tribes trade sovereignty for dollars
Giago: Seminole Tribe wrong on
Indian mascots (7/19)
Giago: Underground
Railroad to escape boarding school (7/12)
Giago: Skeletons hidden in Rapid City's closet
Tim Giago: Air Force base not a
blessing to Lakotas (6/30)
Tim Giago:
Tribes to claim downsized military bases (06/07)
Tim Giago: First revolutionary was a Native man
Tim Giago: Many 'wannabe' tribes
seek recognition (05/17)
Tim Giago:
South Dakota press censors Indian writers (05/10)
Tim Giago: White lawyers growing fat off tribes
Tim Giago: Gay marriage debate
killed Democrats (4/19)
Tim Giago: It's
time for wealthy tribes to think Indian (04/05)
Tim Giago: Wealthy tribes don't need federal
funds (03/31)
Tim Giago: Gaming leads to
addiction, crime (03/22)
Tim Giago:
Discrimination in the media and advertising (03/08)
Tim Giago: Black Hills land theft a dishonest
deal (03/01)
Tim Giago: Committing slow
suicide with foods (02/15)
Tim Giago:
Bush probably still against Indian gaming (01/25)
Tim Giago: Calvary re-enactors should know
better (01/18)
Tim Giago: Racism
continues in South Dakota (11/30)
Giago: Should we listen to Osama bin Laden? (11/23)
Tim Giago: GOP moral values will hurt Indian
Country (11/09)
Tim Giago: Indian
reformists stamped out tribes (11/02)
Tim Giago: I'm not a racist and I haven't seen NMAI
yet (09/29)
Tim Giago: Eastern tribes
are African-American (09/15)
Tim Giago:
Indians have cause to fear Republicans (07/21)
Tim Giago: Casinos create culture of 'us' and
'them' (06/30)
Tim Giago: Boarding
schools cause of many ills (06/14)
Giago: 'Real' Indians don't fight over money (04/05)
Tim Giago now plans to run for Senate as
independent (03/31)
Giago: Indians pay no taxes, and other myths (01/26)
Giago: Indian gaming erodes tribal
sovereignty (01/07)
Giago: Gays were
highly respected by Sioux Nation (09/22)
Tim Giago: I'm a fully recovered Catholic
Giago: State should refund tax
money first (08/06)
Giago: Oprah show
changed minds on Indian mascots (07/31)
More Tim Giago:
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