Sen. Johnson wanta FEMA homes sent to tribes

Sen. Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota) is asking the Federal Emergency Management Agency to donate as many as 20,000 trailer homes to tribes across the nation.

The homes were bought for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts but aren't being used. So they should help tribes alleviate housing and other conditions on reservations, Johnson said.

"Rather than allow these homes to go to waste, they can be used immediately in Native communities, not only for housing but also as additional classrooms for reservation schools, whose facilities are in desperate need of repair," Johnson wrote in the March 24 letter, according to The Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

FEMA still hasn't responded, a spokesperson for Johnson said. Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota) supports the idea, an aide said.

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Senator: Donate trailers to tribes (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 4/25)

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