White Mountain Apache Tribe aids hurricane victims

The White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona has sent about 30 volunteer to Biloxi, Louisiana, to help with hurricane relief efforts.

The volunteers are running a food tent in Biloxi. Chairman Dallas Massey, who visited the camp on Wednesday, said it looks like "a small reservation by itself over here," WLOX reported.

The tribe is serving fry bread and other foods to hurricane evacuees. But what I heard, the fry bread they make here, they put ice cream with it, and they say man, it's out of this world," Massey told the TV station.

The National Congress of American Indians [NCAI], the First Nations Development Institute [FNDI] and the National Indian Gaming Association [NIGA] are holding a press conference tomorrow to give an update about hurricane relief efforts in Indian Country. The conference takes place at 2:00pm at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C [Web Site].

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Apache Volunteers Enjoy VIP Visit From Leader (WLOX 10/19)

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