Exhibit opens on Native residential schools

The Manitoba Museum has opened an historical exhibit on Native residential schools.

"Where are the Children?" features of photographs from the late 1800s to the 1960s. Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine warns that the photos do not present a complete picture of the residential school experience, during which many young Natives suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Canada has created a settlement fund for 12,000 abuse victims but the process has been criticized. So far, the government spent $74.8 million to resolve claims, but most of the money went to lawyers and overhead. Only 1,300 cases have been settled.

Separately, a group of former students filed a class action against the government.

Get the Story:
Residential school exhibit opens at Manitoba Museum (CBC 1/14)

Assembly of First Nations Report:
Report on Canada�s Dispute Resolution Plan to Compensate for Abuses in Indian Residential Schools (November 2004)

Relevant Links:
Manitoba Museum - Assembly of First Nations -
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Department -

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