BIA takes input on Cowlitz land-into-trust bid

The Bureau of Indian Affairs held a public meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the Cowlitz Tribe's land-into-trust request.

The recently recognized Washington tribe wants 152 acres for an initial reservation. The land will be used for a casino complex, tribal offices, a cultural center, housing and an RV park.

The tribe prepared an environmental assessment but will also prepare a more detailed environmental impact statement on the project. Some local residents oppose the idea of a casino.

The tribe gained final recognition in 2000.

Get the Story:
Bureau seeks input on Cowlitz (The Columbian 12/1)
Cowlitz will hear from public on casino plans (The Oregonian 12/1)

Relevant Documents:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Cowlitz Indian Tribe's Trust Acquisition and Casino Project, Clark County, WA (Federal Register November 12, 2004)

Relevant Links:
Cowlitz Tribe -

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