Opinion: Off-reservation casino won't benefit Michigan community

"It is true a casino would create jobs. It would create jobs for debt collectors for people who gambled their money away and are unable to pay their bills.

It would create jobs for attorneys and judges in divorce courts when the gambler loses his or her marriage. It would create jobs for counselors and workers in "safe houses" and rescue missions because abused family members will need help.

It will create jobs in soup kitchens and food banks, Goodwill stores and the Salvation Army.

A casino is a gamble, and it is a gamble with a price. Is this the kind of price our community is ready to pay?

According to the CBS weekly news program "60 Minutes," the favorite form of casino gambling is the slot machine. These machines are in 38 states. Research reveals this form of gambling is a growing addiction in this country."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Gambling casino won't turn Port Huron around (The Port Huron Times Herald 1/16)

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