• Opening Statements Panel 1 - Testimony | Q&ACommittee Hearing:
The Honorable Michael Finley
President, Intertribal Monitoring Association on Indian Trust Funds
The Honorable Austin Nunez
Chairman, Indian Land Working Group
Richard Monette
Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School
Panel 2 - Testimony | Q&A
The Honorable David Hayes
Deputy Secretary, Department of the Interior
accompanied by the Honorable Hilary Tompkins
Solicitor, Department of the Interior
The Honorable Thomas J. Perrelli
Associate Attorney General, Department of Justice
Panel 3 - Testimony | Q&A
Ms. Elouise Cobell
Full Committee Oversight Hearing On The Proposed Settlement Of The Cobell V. Salazar Litigation (March 10, 2010) Relevant Documents:
Agreement | Press Release | Q&A | Audio Related Stories:
Congress slow to move on Cobell trust fund settlement (3/10)
Witness list for House hearing on trust fund settlement (3/9)
Elouise Cobell responds to questions about settlement (3/9)
Elouise Cobell to meet with landowners in South Dakota (3/5)
Elouise Cobell responds to questions about settlement (3/2)
House Resources Committee schedules Cobell hearing (3/2)
Deadline in Cobell trust fund case extended to April 16 (3/1)
Elouise Cobell answers questions about settlement (2/22)
Elouise Cobell answers questions about settlement (2/17)
Opinion: Questions remain about Cobell settlement (2/9)
Opinion: Cobell case settled for pennies on the dollar (2/8)
Opinion: Cobell trust settlement addresses land issues (02/01)
Deadline approaches to approve trust fund settlement (02/01)
Dennis Gingold: The facts behind trust fund settlement (1/29)
Bill Martin: No rubber stamp for trust fund settlement (1/26)
Editorial: Congress must act fast on Cobell settlement (1/22)
Chickasaw firm secures land consolidation contract (1/21)
Opinion: Indian trust beneficiaries finally getting paid? (1/20)
Interview with Elliott Levitas, attorney for Cobell case (1/18)
Millions coming to Montana under Cobell settlement (01/07)
Congress gets more time to act on Cobell settlement (1/6)
Editorial: A long overdue settlement to Cobell lawsuit (1/6)
Editorial: A long overdue settlement to Cobell lawsuit (1/6)
Letters: A good settlement to Indian trust fund case (12/21)
Cobell urges Senate to move quickly on settlement (12/18)
Column: Free Indians of federal government control (12/18)
Column: Cobell deal not so great for Indian Country (12/18)
Editorial: Cobell deal corrects century-old old wrong (12/18)
Editorial: Settlement and accountability in trust fund (12/18)
Witness List: Senate hearing on Cobell settlement (12/16)
Mary Pember: The small picture of the Cobell deal (12/16)
Opinion: Deal won't change much in Indian Country (12/16)
Editorial: Settlement in Cobell case is long overdue (12/16)
Editorial: Act quickly to approve Cobell settlement (12/16)
Bill Means: Cobell settlement a rip-off for Indians (12/15)
Editorial: At last a settlement in Cobell trust case (12/15)
North Dakota tribes back settlement in Cobell case (12/14)
Opinion: Indian plaintiff won't see trust settlement (12/14)
Column: Navajo woman helped resolve Cobell case (12/14)
Editorial: Preventing future trust mismanagement (12/14)
Editorial: Approve settlement to Cobell trust case (12/14)
Senate committee sets Cobell settlement hearing (12/11)
Washington tribes react to Cobell case settlement (12/11)
Editorial: Land consolidation program 'worrisome' (12/11)
Lynne Harlan: A new era in federal Indian relations (12/11)
Column: Cowboy banks got paid more than Indians (12/11)
Editorial: Settling more than a century of injustice (12/11)
Editorial: Support settlement for Cobell trust case (12/11)
Editorial: Acknowledge past mistakes in trust fund (12/11)
Editorial: A long overdue settlement to Cobell suit (12/11)
NARF welcomes settlement in Cobell trust lawsuit (12/10)
Cobell hailed as warrior as she returns to Montana (12/10)
Billings Paper: Cobell deal sends $27M to Montana (12/10)
Editorial: Cobell settlement fair for Indian Country (12/10)
Editorial: Welcome settlement to Cobell trust case (12/10)
Mostly praise for $3.4B settlement to Cobell lawsuit (12/9)
Editorial: Act quickly on Indian trust fund settlement (12/9)
Twitter Recap of Cobell settlement with Photos (12/8)
Statement by President Obama on Cobell settlement (12/8)
Statement by Sen. Dorgan on Cobell settlement (12/8)
Statement by Sen. McCain on Cobell settlement (12/8)
Statement by Sen. Tester on Cobell settlement (12/8)
Statement by Rep. Rahall on Cobell settlement (12/8)
Statement by Rep. Cole and Rep. Kildee on Cobell settlement (12/8)
'Major' announcement on Indian trust management (12/8)