Native American Mascots Draw Sports Regulators' Ire (Voice of America 2/5) NCAA Update:
Status of Indian Mascot Policy (April 28, 2006) NCAA Executive Committee Decision:
Native American Mascot Appeals Decisions (April 28, 2006) NCAA Policy on Indian Mascots:
NCAA Executive Committee Issues Guidelines for Use of Native American Mascots at Championship Events (August 5, 2005) Relevant Links:
Chief Illiniwek, University of Illinois - http://www.uiuc.edu/dialogue/index.html
Retire the Chief - http://www.retirethechief.org Related Stories:
Opponents of 'Chief Illiniwek' rally on campus (2/2)
No charges over threat to Indian student in Illinois (1/30)
Natives thriving off-reserve in Western Canada (1/26)
Editorial: It's time to put 'Chief Illiniwek' to rest (1/24)
School says 'Chief Illiniwek' headdress was returned (1/22)
Oglala Sioux Tribe denounces 'Chief Illiniwek' (1/19)
Oglala Sioux Tribe seeks return of 'Chief' regalia (1/18)
Native students threatened over 'Chief Illiniwek' (1/17)
Editorial: Go to court to protect 'Chief Illiniwek' (11/20)
No action taken on 'Chief Illiniwek' in Illinois (11/10)
Column: It's time to get rid of 'Chief Illiniwek' (10/12)
Illinois court rejects lawsuit againt Chief Illiniwek (09/20)
University said to drop 'Chief Illiniwek' as mascot (08/31)
School files another appeal to save Chief Illiniwek (02/01)
Editorial: 'Chief Illiniwek' a sacred symbol (11/21)
NCAA allows 'Illini' but rejects 'Chief Illiniwek' (11/14)
Column: Tribes have right to oppose 'Chief Illiniwek' (09/15)
University of Illinois trustee blasts NCAA policy (08/17)
Illiniwek 'chiefs' say they are proud of tradition (04/22)
Drunk Student: Chief Illiniwek is not offensive to Natives (04/07)
Native lawyers file lawsuit against Chief Illiniwek (03/16)
Chief Illiniwek relegated to sidelines for games (3/11)
Column: Chief Illiniwek mascot inappropriate (12/02)
Opinion: Chief Illiniwek will take his last dance soon (09/15)
University board to discuss fate of Chief Illiniwek (06/17)
Anti-Chief Illiniwek activists stage sit-in at college (04/19)
Students support keeping Chief Illiniwek mascot (03/19)
School to poll students on Chief Illiniwek mascot (03/11)
Chief Illiniwek battle an especially harsh one (12/16)
Alumni support didn't drop after mascot change (2/20)
Editorial: Stop 'pussyfooting' on Chief Illiniwek (11/17)
Commentary: Don't get rid of Chief Illiniwek (11/13)
'Chief' school opens Native American House (02/07)
Ill. mascot foes awarded $5,000 (07/23)
Ex-school official faces suit in mascot case (5/29)
Students vote to retire Illiniwek (5/3)
Retain or retire, but no apology for 'Chief' (3/14)
Chief Illiniwek report released (3/13)
Editorial: Rethink mascot opposition (3/7)
Illiniwek foes win round in court (4/6)
Church gives money to Chief Illiniwek foes (2/8)