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Opinion: Immigrants share same DNA as Indians

"There�s no question about illegal immigrants violating our law by coming undocumented, and there can�t be a legitimate excuse for their behavior. However there�re many reasons they come. Illegal immigration isn�t new; it started when the Anglos from the Southern United States migrated to Mexico, what is now our state of Texas. The word Gringo comes from the Anglos seeking out the best lands and dispelling the native Mexicans by the bribes paid to corrupt Mexican courts and officials.

Most Mexicans share the same DNA with the Native American Indian, for over 500 years they�ve been compelled to stand by and watch while the Anglos took their lands and their wealth leaving them to live in poverty. The Indian culture was to share with their neighbors. By the time the indigenous peoples learned the white man�s way of taking what they liked it was too late for them. The indigenous peoples had to learn new ways groveling and begging was among them.

We owe these people something. I�m not sure it�s a free pass and certainly not citizenship. How about a legal way to fill the jobs that without them would go unfilled? How about a little respect, contrary to a popular belief these people aren�t ashamed to be Mexican. They�ve had the misfortune of living under the thumb of dictators with European blood flowing in their veins for nearly 500 years. That doesn�t mean they aren�t a proud people."

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Ken Hughes: Immigration Reform: A Congression Myth (The Conservative Voice 9/6)

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