Voting Rights Act Extensions Pass House Despite GOP Infighting (The Washington Post 7/14)
After Challenges, House Approves Renewal of Voting Act (The New York Times 7/14)
pwnyt Voting Rights Legislation:
Voting Rights Reauthorization (H.R.9) Civil Rights Report:
Voting Rights in South Dakota, 1982-2006 (May 17, 2006) Related Stories:
Indian voting rights at stake in renewal legislation (6/30)
Editorial: Indian voting rights report 'over the top' (05/30)
Report on South Dakota Native voting rights released (5/18)
Editorial: Racial injustice in South Dakota (5/15)
Native voting rights case revived by court (5/8)
Voting Rights Act up for reauthorization (03/27)
Indian votes sought in South Dakota county (01/23)
South Dakota county to redraw voting districts (11/16)
South Dakota county violates Native voting rights (10/31)
South Dakota cleared for appeal on voting rights (10/07)
South Dakota appeals Native voting rights case (08/09)
NCAI joins push to reauthorize Voting Rights Act (8/2)
Court bars state in Native voting rights case (07/15)
Editorial: Redraw districts for Native voting rights (07/15)
Editorial: Stop stalling on Native voting rights (7/14)
Lawmakers set for appeal of voting rights case (7/12)
Lawmakers weigh appeal of voting rights case (7/11)
Judge rejects claim in Indian voting rights lawsuit (3/25)
South Dakota Supreme Court to hear voting rights case (03/16)
Indian voters oppose bill aimed at settling lawsuit (03/01)
Suit challenges South Dakota county's voting districts (01/28)
South Dakota court takes voting rights question (01/24)
Editorial: Stop delaying Native voting rights case (12/16)
South Dakota Indians seek action on voting rights (12/13)
South Dakota seeks delay in Native voting case (11/02)
Editorial: Don't appeal Indian voting rights case (09/28)
Judge: South Dakota violated Indian voting rights (09/16)
Federal judge to issue voting rights ruling this summer (05/04)
ACLU rests case in Indian voting rights trial (04/23)
S.D. Indians testify of racism in voting rights trial (04/15)
Trial into Indian voting rights in South Dakota continues (4/14)
Trial examines Indian voting rights in South Dakota (4/13)
Indian voters least likely to have identification (10/28)
County won't allow Indians to use tribal ID to register (10/06)
Panel holds hearing on South Dakota voter ID law (07/16)
Voter ID law seen as attempt to suppress Indian vote (7/7)
Tribal college president calls for repeal of ID law (7/2)
Indian voter complaints referred to authorities (6/29)
Group files suit over problems Indian voters faced (6/28)
Editorial: Indian vote hearings won't do any good (06/17)
Daschle seeks hearings over Indian voter problems (6/15)
S.D. ID law passed to 'turn Native voters down' (6/11)
Tom Daschle: Indian Country shows its clout (6/10)
Lawsuits planned for problems Indian voters faced (6/10)
South Dakota Indian vote doubled last week (6/7)
Republican admits Indian voters decided election (6/4)
Russell Means ready to give up on Republican Party (6/3)
Voting problems reported by South Dakota Indians (6/3)
Democrat Stephanie Herseth heads to House (6/2)
Battle is on for Indian voters in South Dakota (04/26)
Lakota man pleased with Cheney visit to support Thune (03/09)
Indian Republican surprised that party accepts him (03/05)
Thune urges GOP to reach out to Indian voters (01/26)
CNN host unapologetic for Indian vote 'uproar' (1/12)
Tribal official says host hurts Republican Party (01/12)
CNN host accuses Indians of stealing Senate election (1/9)
Native voters in S.D. county make history (01/08)
Indian vote eyed in race between Thune, Daschle (1/7)
Indian voter fraud claims linger after election (12/10)
S.D. county elects Native leaders (11/08)
Indian votes helped Johnson (11/7)
Indians mobilize to defeat white leaders (10/31)