New map traces history of Euro-Americans in Crow Country (The Billings Gazette 11/21) Relevant Links:
Montana Tribal Tourism Alliance - http://www.bigskytribes.com
Stop Lewis and Clark - http://www.stoplewisandclark.org
Corps of Discovery II - http://www.nps.gov/lecl/CorpsII/Corps2.htm Related Stories:
Crow Tribe to take part in Lewis and Clark event (11/02)
Tribes reluctant to mark Lewis and Clark journey (10/31)
Nez Perce Tribe re-enacts Lewis and Clark meet (09/22)
Indian woman to re-enact role of Sacagawea (07/29)
Documentary tells Blackfeet side of Lewis and Clark (07/26)
Editorial: Indian symposium boasts top names (07/01)
Montana tribes share culture at Lewis and Clark event (6/30)
Blackfeet opera being staged for first time in 95 years (6/30)
Lewis and Clark event puts spotlight on tribes (6/29)
Sacajawea descendant doesn't like other spellings (06/14)
Fort Belknap Tribes counter Lewis and Clark tour (05/27)
Opinion: Lewis and Clark not welcome at Fort Peck (05/03)
Rally in North Dakota aims to 'stop' Lewis and Clark (10/14)
Lewis and Clark re-enactors run into problems (10/05)
Man wants Lewis and Clark group to skip Pine Ridge (09/16)
Lemhi Shoshonis share Lewis and Clark experiences (01/26)