Ex-leader of White Earth Band arraigned in car title scheme (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 11/2)
Wadena faces two federal fraud charges (The Fargo Forum 11/2)
Former White Earth chairman indicted (AP 11/2) Related Stories:
Wadena files another challenge to White Earth election (06/29)
Wadena's challenge to White Earth election rejected (6/24)
'Super Chief' Wadena alleges fraud in election he lost (6/23)
'Super Chief Wadena' challenges election loss (6/22)
'Super Chief' Wadena loses White Earth election (06/09)
Election pits convict against Harvard graduate (6/7)
'Super Chief' Wadena alleged target of criminal probe (05/10)
Campaign of convicted ex-chief stirs controversy (05/03)
'Super Chief' Wadena nears re-election at White Earth (03/31)
'Super Chief' Wadena on ballot again at White Earth (02/24)