Super Tuesday for Kerry and Edwards in 10 states

Democrats in 10 states will go to the polls today in what is called Super Tuesday.

Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the front-runner, could lock up the presidential nomination with big wins, observers say. According to The Washington Post, he is favored to win California and New York, where the most delegates are up for grabs, along with Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina has one win under his belt. He is running behind Kerry in polls in all 10 states. He said he will keep campaigning if he does poorly because several Southern states, including Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, are holding votes March 9.

Get the Story:
A Day of Reckoning For Kerry And Edwards (The Washington Post 3/2)
Edwards Campaigns for Votes, as Kerry Runs Against Bush (The New York Times 3/2)

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