Kerry sweeps two states as Clark drops out of race
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts scored decisive wins in Virginia and Tennessee on Tuesday, prompting retired Army general Wesley Clark, an Indian Country favorite, to drop out of the race.

Senator John Edwards of North Carolina came in second in both states but didn't come near Kerry in terms of votes. In Virginia, the split was 52-27. In Tennessee it was 41-26.

Kerry has now won 12 of 14 Democratic primaries and caucuses. The next big contests are Wisconsin on February 17, where former Vermont governor Howard Dean hopes to win, and New York and California and other states on March 2.

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Kerry Claims Decisive Wins In Virginia and Tennessee (The Washington Post 2/11)
Clark Ends Presidential Run; Edwards Finishes in Second (The New York Times 2/11)
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