City supports Enterprise Rancheria off-reservation casino

The city council in Marysville, California, voted 4-1 to send a letter in support of the Enterprise Rancheria off-reservation casino.

The city already entered into a memorandum of understanding with the tribe. The letter says the casino will boost the economy in the area.

"The proposed Enterprise Rancheria project will provide much-needed employment and will promote local tourism of our area," the letter to Gov. Jerry Brown (D) states, The Marysville/Yuba City Appeal-Democrat reported. "The 4,000-plus jobs that this project will bring will provide a huge relief in a region that is suffering from the current economic downturn."

The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the casino but Brown has veto authority under the two-part determination section of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. Other tribes are urging him to reject the project.

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Marysville backs Enterprise Rancheria casino project (The Marysville/Yuba City Appeal-Democrat 10/20)

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