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Native America Calling: High school during COVID-19
Friday, July 9, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the educations, social lives and after-school opportunities for millions of high school students.

Navajo Nation Graduation
Students participate in commencement exercises at the Many Farms High School in Many Farms, Arizona, on the Navajo Nation, on July 2, 2021. Photo: Navajo Nation Office of President and Vice President

Native students navigated online classes, spotty internet access, and isolation but many thrived and even secured scholarships and acceptance at choice colleges.

Native America Calling and the Hechinger Report followed a group of students throughout the school year to document their struggles and triumphs during a school year like no other. Here are their stories.

native america calling
Native America Calling
Listen to Native America Calling every weekday at 1pm Eastern.
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