Albert Bender. Photo from U. S. Army Corps of Engineers / Flickr
Allbert Bender discusses the mistreatment of Indian children at a hockey game in Rapid City, South Dakota, last month:
On Wednesday, Jan. 28, over 100 Native Americans - parents, tribal officials and American Horse School staff - met with Rapid City officials to demand that charges be filed against the adults responsible. The meeting had been requested by Oglala Sioux tribal officials. An online comment from a non-Indian attendee at the game praised the students for their exemplary behavior. This individual stated the children were "the best behaved group we have had the pleasure to sit next to in all our years of attending every game since day one." Contrast this comment with the disgraceful attempt of the town newspaper, the Rapid City Journal (RCJ), to place blame for the incident on the victimized children. The RCJ published a recent inciting headline, "Did Native students stand for National Anthem?" implying that they provoked the behavior of these hate-filled fans. Requests for information about what the city plans to do about the incident were made to both the mayor's office and the police department in Rapid City. The response from both offices was a press release. "Currently, detectives are actively working to piece together the facts of the incident, and to determine if criminal charges will be filed in the matter," the press release says, adding "The Rapid City Police Department will release more information if criminal charges are filed in this matter."Get the Story:
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