Clyde H. Bellecourt. Photo from Facebook
David Glass, Henry Boucha and Clyde H. Bellecourt of the National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media call on authorities to prosecute the people who hurled racial slurs and poured beer on Indian students in South Dakota:
According to the Rapid City Journal, and as it was reported by numerous witnesses and other media, 15 or more white men from the skybox rented by Eagle Sales of the Black Hills, shouted racial slurs and insults to 57 Native children. They were heard screaming “Go Back to the Rez” and dumped beer on these Native American children from the American Horse School of the Pine Ridge Reservation who were attending a minor league hockey game. The students and staff were on a field trip. These students were awarded tickets to the hockey game for their academic and scholastic achievement. The actions of the men in the VIP Suite was despicable, humiliating, and devastating to these children’s well-being and safety. This racist and criminal behavior should be considered a hate crime. These individuals need to be held accountable along with Tom Helland, owner of the skybox and the leadership of Eagle Sales of the Black Hills. The National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media calls on Governor Dennis Daugaard, Attorney General Marty Jackley, Mayor Sam Kooiker of Rapid City and Rapid City Police Chief Karl Jegeris to file charges against the perpetrators of these actions.Get the Story:
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