Republican candidate takes different approach to Native issues
Joe Miller, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, is taking a different view on Alaska Native issues than his competitors.

Miller supports an overhaul of the federal government's contracting program. Alaska Native corporations have become big players in the 8(a) industry.

"Awarding ‘no bid’ contracts is simply wrong, whether the recipient is Native or non-Native,” Miller told The Fairbanks Daily News-Mienr in a statement. “Instead, 8(a) contracts should be about promoting quality work, competitiveness and opportunities.”

Miller also believes non-Natives deserve a big say in subsistence even though federal law recognizes Native rights. “I recognize that First Alaskans have aboriginal ties to the land, but there are also non-Natives that have similar needs and must be included in the discussion regarding any solutions," Miller told the paper.

Miller, an attorney who has the backing of the Tea Party movement, is challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R), who is running a write-in campaign, and Democrat Scott McAdams.

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U.S. Senate candidates delve into Native corporation contracts (The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 10/30)

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