Column: Newcomer under the spotlight at Little Earth

"Bill Ziegler is a Lakota Indian who never had his name in the newspaper until this week, which is too bad. Ziegler is an important person in Minneapolis. Right now, he is the main man trying to keep things calm between the cops and the minority community. And he isn't getting much help.

After an incident in which two cops appear to have roughed up a handcuffed suspect, and were caught on tape, established community leaders are calling for outside investigations and raising the temperature on the streets just as summer looms. Ziegler, a newcomer who heads the Indian housing project where the incident occurred, is trusting the cops -- for now -- to do the right thing.

"I'm going to have confidence in the police until they prove they don't deserve it," he says. He has consulted with interim Police Chief Tim Dolan and other police brass."

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Newcomer seeks peace with cops but is cautious (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 6/9)

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