Videotape of police incident at Little Earth released

The head of the Little Earth of United Tribes released a videotape of a police incident at an Indian housing complex in Minneapolis.

The videotape shows some form of physical contact between two police lieutenants and a man who had already been handcuffed. The man, Juan T. Vasquez, was then placed in the back of a squad car for at least 13 minutes with the windows rolled up.

The temperature at the time of the incident on May 26 incident was 81 degrees. Two sources told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that the air conditioning wasn't turned on in the squad car.

The two lieutenants has been placed on leave pending an investigation. Indian leaders and residents of the Little Earth housing complex believe the officers acted inappropriately.

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Video shows disputed incident (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 6/8)

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Little Earth of United Tribes -

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