Arts & Entertainment
Federal Trade Commission: Authentic Indian art

The Federal Trade Commission and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board are providing tips to help consumers buy authentic Indian art.

"The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 makes it illegal to advertise or sell any art or craft in a way that falsely suggests it is produced by an American Indian or is the product of a particular American Indian tribe," the agencies state. "All claims about the Indian origin and tribal affiliation for any product must be truthful."

The agencies recommend purchasing from established dealers who can provide a written guarantee or written verification of authenticity. Customers should always obtain a receipt and check the requirements of arts shows, powwows and other events.

Get the Story:
Authentic or Counterfeit? How to Buy Genuine American Indian Arts and Crafts (Federal Trade Commission 6/7)

Inspector General Report:
Indian Arts and Crafts: A Case of Misrepresentation (June 2005

FY2007 Budget Request:
Bureau of Indian Affairs Budget | Departmental Offices [includes Office of Special Trustee]

FY2007 Budget Documents:
Fulfilling Trust Responsibilities | Serving Tribal Communities | Protecting Lives, Resources, and Property [includes Safety in Indian Country] | Budget in Brief | Interior Department [from the White House]

Relevant Links:
Indian Arts and Crafts Board -

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