Artist must choose between two tribes (The Farmington Daily Times 5/31) Inspector General Report:
Indian Arts and Crafts: A Case of Misrepresentation (June 2005 FY2007 Budget Request:
Bureau of Indian Affairs Budget | Departmental Offices [includes Office of Special Trustee] FY2007 Budget Documents:
Fulfilling Trust Responsibilities | Serving Tribal Communities | Protecting Lives, Resources, and Property [includes Safety in Indian Country] | Budget in Brief | Interior Department [from the White House] Relevant Links:
Indian Arts and Crafts Board - Related Stories:
Fighting fake Indian arts called an uphill battle (5/23)
Fake Indian art often made in foreign countries (5/22)
Enforcement inadequate for fake Indian arts and crafts (04/13)
Budget includes money for DOI Indian museums (02/09)
Rehberg leads fight to save Indian museum funds (01/23)
Opinion: Saving Indian art by killing the museum (1/18)
Tribes want DOI to continue funding Sioux museum (1/10)
DOI museums set to close but tribes may benefit (1/6)
Jana McKeag: DOI to transfer three Indian museums (12/16)
Firm awarded contract to track fake Native arts (10/17)
Indian artists dealt setback by federal appeals court (03/03)
FTC investigates fake Alaska Native art (11/04)
Alaska Native art campaign a success (10/09)
Fake arts suits owe survival to strengthened law (3/28)
New arts act clears Congress (10/25)
Tribe works to protect art (10/10)
Fake arts still an issue (08/17)
Fighting forgeries in Indian Country (05/18)