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Editorial: Restore funding for Indian medical program

"What works? When it comes to federal spending, that's the question most Americans ask. If a program has failed or, as sometimes happens, actually is making a problem worse, then reform it or cut its budget by all means.

But INMED isn't a failed program. Just the opposite: INMED or Indians Into Medicine is a fabulous success. It has fulfilled its creators' every hope and, by graduating more than 250 American Indian doctors over the years, has paid taxpayers back for their investment many times over.

That's why a cut of nearly 50 percent in the program's budget is absolutely unconscionable.

North Dakota and Minnesota's Congressional delegations should move mountains to restore the funding and return INMED to full health."

Get the Story:
Editorial: INMED deserved better from Congress (The Grand Forks Herald 7/7)

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