Paper runs series on Cheyenne-Arapahos

The Pueblo Chieftain in Colorado is running a series on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma.

Tribal ancestors lived in Colorado until they were forced out after the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864. The tribe is now seeking to return to its homelands.

The series examines the tribe's effort to open a casino in Colorado. After facing opposition for a site near the Denver airport, the tribe is now looking at land in Pueblo.

The series also looks at the struggles the tribe is facing. Poverty and unemployment are high, contributing to health care and other problems. Internal struggles have divided the tribe to the detriment of its success, some say.

Amid the changes, the tribe is working hard to keep its culture alive. Chief Laird Cometsevah, a Cheyenne, says more younger people are interested in learning the language and participating in ceremonies.

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Relevant Links:
Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes -

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