Debate continues over blocked judicial nominees

President Bush called on the Senate to vote on two of his controversial judicial nominees on Monday as Democrats and Republicans resumed their battle after returning from a week-long recess.

Bush singled out Priscilla Owen, a California Supreme Court justice, and Terry Boyle, a federal judge, in a statement. He did not mention William G. Myers III, the Interior Department's former top lawyer whose record on Indian issues and the environment have drawn opposition from tribes and other organizations.

Democrats have successfully blocked Myers and the other nominees through filibusters. But in what is being called the "nuclear option," Senate Republicans are threatening to change the rules to prevent future filibusters.

Get the Story:
Bush's Call for Vote on Judges Adds Urgency to Filibuster Battle (The Washington Post 5/10
Jockeying Intensifies in Battle Over Judicial Nominees (The New York Times 5/10)
President's Statement on Judicial Nominations (White House 5/9)

Relevant Documents:
Inspector General Letter | NCAI Resolution | Environmental Group's Letter | Holland & Hart Biography

Indianz.Com Profile:
Industry insider named to Interior (March 30, 2001)

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