Tribes blast Bush choice for federal appeals court
Friday, March 26, 2004
The nomination of the Department of Interior's former top lawyer to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals would be a disaster for Indian Country, tribal and Indian leaders said on Wednesday. Representatives of the National Congress of American Indian, the National Indian Gaming Association, the California Nations Indian Gaming Association, the National Tribal Environmental Coalition, the Native American Rights Fund and the Quechan Nation spoke against Bill Myers' pending nomination to a court that handles cases affecting hundreds of tribes and Alaska Natives. They said his record as Interior solicitor placed the industry and other interests before tribes, to whom he had a fiduciary responsibility. Myers, a former lobbyist for the mining and grazing industry, is opposed by dozens of Indian and environmental groups. His nomination has generated several newspaper editorials, criticizing him as the wrong choice for the 9th Circuit, which covers Western states plus Alaska and Hawaii. The Senate Judiciary Committee has not held a vote on Myers but the Republican majority is likely to approve him. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she opposes his nomination, which could be filibustered on the Senate floor. Get the Story:
Indians oppose Bush court nominee (AP 3/26) Relevant Documents:
Environmental/Tribal Coalition Letter | NCAI Resolution | Environmental Group's Letter | Holland & Hart Biography Indianz.Com Profile:
Industry insider named to Interior (March 30, 2001)
Tribes blast Bush choice for federal appeals court
Friday, March 26, 2004
The nomination of the Department of Interior's former top lawyer to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals would be a disaster for Indian Country, tribal and Indian leaders said on Wednesday. Representatives of the National Congress of American Indian, the National Indian Gaming Association, the California Nations Indian Gaming Association, the National Tribal Environmental Coalition, the Native American Rights Fund and the Quechan Nation spoke against Bill Myers' pending nomination to a court that handles cases affecting hundreds of tribes and Alaska Natives. They said his record as Interior solicitor placed the industry and other interests before tribes, to whom he had a fiduciary responsibility. Myers, a former lobbyist for the mining and grazing industry, is opposed by dozens of Indian and environmental groups. His nomination has generated several newspaper editorials, criticizing him as the wrong choice for the 9th Circuit, which covers Western states plus Alaska and Hawaii. The Senate Judiciary Committee has not held a vote on Myers but the Republican majority is likely to approve him. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she opposes his nomination, which could be filibustered on the Senate floor. Get the Story:
Indians oppose Bush court nominee (AP 3/26) Relevant Documents:
Environmental/Tribal Coalition Letter | NCAI Resolution | Environmental Group's Letter | Holland & Hart Biography Indianz.Com Profile:
Industry insider named to Interior (March 30, 2001)
Myers advocated giving $1M federal land for free (03/08)
Myers reversing sacred site opinion (10/25)
Bush nominee has no 'agenda' on Clinton decisions (6/21) Related Stories:
Tribal leaders to discuss court nominee, budget (03/24)
Tex Hall: Former DOI lawyer bad choice for court (3/8)
Bush judicial nominee blasted by Democrats (02/06)
Senate committee to take up Bill Myers judgeship (2/3)
Probes clear ex-DOI lawyer seeking judgeship (01/12)
Appeals court nominee favored industry over tribes (12/18)
Interior's top lawyer stepping down next month (10/02)
DOI's top lawyer under ethics investigation (08/15)
Interior has few answers at Senate hearing (7/18)
Tribes push action on sacred sites (3/21)
Interior Solicitor on trust fund crash course (10/17)
Memo: Solicitor's order was 'intimidating' (10/10)
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Bush nominee has no 'agenda' on Clinton decisions (6/21)
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Copyright Indianz.Com
Myers advocated giving $1M federal land for free (03/08)
Myers reversing sacred site opinion (10/25)
Bush nominee has no 'agenda' on Clinton decisions (6/21) Related Stories:
Tribal leaders to discuss court nominee, budget (03/24)
Tex Hall: Former DOI lawyer bad choice for court (3/8)
Bush judicial nominee blasted by Democrats (02/06)
Senate committee to take up Bill Myers judgeship (2/3)
Probes clear ex-DOI lawyer seeking judgeship (01/12)
Appeals court nominee favored industry over tribes (12/18)
Interior's top lawyer stepping down next month (10/02)
DOI's top lawyer under ethics investigation (08/15)
Interior has few answers at Senate hearing (7/18)
Tribes push action on sacred sites (3/21)
Interior Solicitor on trust fund crash course (10/17)
Memo: Solicitor's order was 'intimidating' (10/10)
Myers reversing sacred site opinion (10/25)
Bush nominee has no 'agenda' on Clinton decisions (6/21)
Norton confirmed by 'landslide' (1/31)
Babbitt denies Calif. gold mine (1/19)
BLM recommends mine rejection (11/10)
Copyright Indianz.Com