Churchill print nearly the same as another artist's

Thomas E. Mails art on the left, Ward Churchill print on the right.
Controversial University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill admitted to a television station that a print he made more than 20 years ago was based on another artist's work.

At first, Churchill angrily refused to talk to CBS4 about his 1981 piece called "Winter Attack." But then he admitted he based it on the 1972 "The Mystic Warriors of the Plains" sketch by the late artist Thomas E. Mails.

Churchill claims he disclosed the similarity when he sold the print to a Boulder art collector. The piece, however, doesn't note the original by Mails.

Get the Story:
Churchill Art Piece Called Into Question (CBC4 2/24)
Churchill artwork mirrors artist's (The Denver Post 2/25)
School can't locate Churchill's thesis (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 2/25)

Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
"Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance September 2001)

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