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Paper files criminal complaint over fake tribal editorial

A Nevada newspaper has filed a criminal complaint over a fake editorial that slammed candidates for the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe's council election.

The fake editorial was inserted in copies of The Lahontan Valley News that were sold on the reservation. It carried the name of a reporter who is covering the election, which had to be called because the earlier one was invalidated.

The editorial criticized four candidates who are challenging incumbents on the council. All but one incumbent was re-elected on Saturday.

Get the Story:
One incumbent ousted in tribal election (The Lahontan Valley News 2/14)
Publisher Files Criminal Complaint Over Bogus Insert (AP 2/13)
Tribal election marred by fake editorial (The Lahontan Valley News 2/12)
Will the real Josh Johnson please step forward (The Lahontan Valley News 2/12)

Relevant Links:
Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe -

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