Editorial: Let tribe complete work on village

"Members of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe are justifiably concerned that without thorough exploration of the site some of their ancestors' remains will be lost forever.

The site's history is already dark enough. It was once a large community called Tse-whit-zen, likely a former winter village of the Klallam peoples that carbon dating indicates could have been in use as early as 1,700 years ago. In about 1915, members of the tribe were forced to leave the site, and a sawmill was built there. Indications are that some of the human remains buried there were used as backfill for the construction.

When DOT began excavating for the pontoon site in August 2003, human remains were discovered and construction was stopped. Now the state wants to get on with the bridge project."

Get the Story:
Complete village search (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 12/3)

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