Campbell bill drops rancheria casino provision

A technical corrections bill has been stricken of a provision that would have helped a California tribe obtain land for a casino, The Marysville-Yuba City Appeal-Democrat reports.

The original bill didn't mention the Enterprise Rancheria by name, the paper said. The tribe is landless.

The paper said Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado), sponsor of the bill, removed the provision. S.1955 has since been approved by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and awaits Senate passage.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) says he won't negotiate a compact unless the tribe obtains a land base.

Get the Story:
Tribal lawyer, Yuba supervisor clash on casino letter (The Marysville-Yuba City Appeal-Democrat 10/27)

Get the Bill:
Native American Technical Corrections Act of 2004 (S.1955)

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