Bush puts judge on court without confirmation

For the second time, President Bush has installed a judge on a federal appeals court without obtaining Senate confirmation.

Bush used what is called a "recess appointment" to put Alabama attorney general William H. Pryor Jr. on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Since he acted during a Congressional recess, the appointment will expire sometime in the fall of 2005.

Pryor had been blocked by a Democratic filibuster. Bush placed another stalled nominee, Charles W. Pickering Sr., on the 5th Circuit less than two months ago.

The 11th Circuit has been favorable to the Miccosukee Tribe as it battles to protect its homelands.

Get the Story:
Bush Again Bypasses Senate to Seat Judge (The Washington Post 2/21)
Bypassing Senate for 2nd Time, Bush Seats Judge (The New York Times 2/21)

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