IHS holding back information on boarding school death

Two Oregon lawmakers are seeking more information about the death of a 16-year-old girl at the Chemawa Indian School.

Cindy Gilbert Sohappy, a member of the Warms Springs Tribes, died in a holding cell typically used for intoxicated students. An autopsy determined she died of alcohol poisoning.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D) is asking the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Services for documents relating to safety and the use of holding cells. But the IHS says it won't turn over information unless Wyden files a Freedom of Information Act request.

Rep. Darlene Hooley (D) is working with the Department of Interior's inspector general's office, which has already launched an investigation into the school. Hooley said the school lacks oversight.

Get the Story:
Lawmakers investigate death at Indian school (AP 2/9)
Legislators scrutinize Chemawa (The Oregon Statesman Journal 2/8)

Oregonian Special Series:
Warm Springs - A Place Where Children Die

Relevant Links:
Warm Springs Tribes -

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