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Alaska Natives: Vote for your children and the future

"We as Alaska Natives are Alaska's first people, and we have a voice we must use. Only 80 years have passed since American Indians have had the right to vote. Our grandparents were not allowed to vote, but we are. We must use what they could not to help secure our future. A vote isn't just for us; it is for our children, for our elders and for our future.

We as Alaska Natives must let our politicians know what we like and don't like. If we don't vote, those politicians don't have to listen. However, if we turn out, when we need something done they have to turn up. The ballot box can show the power of our convictions. The ballot box can push politicians to help us get things done.

Every vote does count, and there are significant differences in the candidates running for office. Show your family, friends and neighbors, as well as your state and your country, you care. There are many means to get to the polls and vote. There is no excuse not to."

Get the Story:
Charlene Ostbloom: TCC urges all to vote (The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner 10/25)

Relevant Links:
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