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Dave Anderson finally sworn in as head of BIA

"Famous" Dave Anderson was sworn in as the Department of Interior's assistant secretary for Indian affairs on Monday.

A member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe of Wisconsin, Anderson spent his first day getting familiar with his surrounding. He made an appearance on Native America Calling and he attended the department's fiscal year 2005 budget rollout.

Anderson is known as the founder of the Famous Dave's barbeque chain. Since first opening near the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in 1994, the company has expanded to 87 locations in 23 states. Last year, the publicly-traded chain reported $90.8 million in revenues.

Anderson was confirmed unanimously by the Senate on December 9. He is the ninth assistant secretary for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

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'Famous' Dave Anderson starts job as head of BIA (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/3)

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LifeSkills Center for Leadership -

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