Paper intent on proving Delaware Tribe's Kansas casino intent

The Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma has made no secret of its campaign to "Return to Kansas" but The Lawrence Journal-World appears intent on proving a casino is already in the works.

The tribe recently acquired 87 acres near Lawrence. Plans haven't been announced but the paper has repeatedly brought up gaming in three stories on the issue.

The tribe won't talk to the paper and the Bureau of Indian Affairs hasn't received a land-into-trust application that might give an indication of the use for the land.

Nevertheless, the paper found some court documents in which the tribe suggested it would pursue a casino in Kansas if gaming in Ohio didn't work out. A non-Indian developer is now suing the tribe for $2.6 million over the failed casino.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court by the non-Indian developer, not the tribe.

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Indian tribe that purchased North Lawrence property involved in casino-related lawsuit (The Lawrence Journal-World 8/9)

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