Newspaper says Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe can pursue casino even though the Massachusetts Gaming Commission has opened region to non-Indian bidders:
The relentless and rather poorly-timed advertising campaign by the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe that was designed to bring pressure on the state Gaming Commission fell short of its goals, which is good news for the people of southeastern Massachusetts. While the public’s attention was elsewhere the last few weeks the commission moved ahead with a unanimous vote to open Region C to bids from commercial casino operators. Contrary to the impression that the tribe’s ads were intended to leave, the move does not exclude the tribe from moving forward with its Taunton casino plans, including its effort to convince the federal government to take non-tribal land into trust on the tribe’s behalf.Get the Story:
Editorial: A win for South Coast (The Boston Herald 4/29) Another Opinion:
Frank Lagace: Advancing competitive gaming opportunities (The Taunton Daily Gazette 4/28)
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