State panel awaiting outcome of Wampanoag casino talks

The Massachusetts Gaming Commission is "waiting" for the outcome of gaming talks with one or two tribes, the panel's chairman said.

The commission will determine who will get a license for the casino in the southeastern part of the state. It could go to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, or the Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribe, or neither tribe.

"There are compacts being negotiated with one or more tribes but ... we're really not involved in this as yet," Stephen Crosby said at a commission meeting on Tuesday, The New Bedford Standard-Times reported. "We are in watchful, waiting mode to see what happens here."

H.3702, the state's gaming law, appears to authorize gaming talks with only one tribe. Gov. Deval Patrick (D) has agreed to negotiate with the Mashpees.

If a deal can't be reached by July 31, or if the tribe isn't showing progress with the land-into-trust process, the state commission can open southeastern Massachusetts to other bidders.

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