The Mashpee
Wampanoag Tribe unveiled plans for a $500 million casino in Taunton,
Massachusetts, today.
The casino, to be built in three phases over five years, would include 150,000 square-feet of gaming space with 3,000 slot machines, 150 table games and 40 poker tables.
Plans also call for three hotels, as many as 10 restaurants and 10 to 15 retail shops.
“It’s an amazing opportunity for the city of Taunton and the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe,”
Chairman Cedric Cromwell said at the press conference on Thursday, The Taunton Daily Gazett reported.
The tribe says construction will create 1,000 jobs .The casino would create 2,500 permanent jobs.
Residents of Taunton will vote June 9 on the project, although the results will not be binding on the tribe. The tribe is already negotiating a Class III gaming compact with Gov. Deval Patrick (D).
Get the Story:
Mashpee tribe unveils Taunton casino plan
(The Cape Cod Times 4/27)
Taunton casino proposal unveiled
(The Boston Globe 4/27)
Hoping For Boost, Some Taunton Residents Welcome Casino Proposal
(WBUR 4/27)
Tribe and city officials reveal Taunton casino details
(The Taunton Daily Gazette 4/26)
Governor reports progress on casino deal as tribe details plans for Taunton site
(State House News Service 4/26)
Related Stories:
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to unveil
details for casino plan (4/26)
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Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe announces plan for $500M casino
Friday, April 27, 2012
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