White Earth Band proposes casino in partnership with state

The White Earth Band of Ojibwe Indians proposed a casino in partnership with the state of Minnesota.

The casino, which would be built somewhere in the Twin Cities, would not be an Indian gaming facility. The tribe and the state would share profits 50-50, Chairwoman Erma J. Vizenor said at a press conference yesterday.

“This is a business partnership, this isn’t a trust land issue,” she said, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

Profits from the facility would be used to fund a new Minnesota Vikings stadium, an issue of contention in the state. A deal is reportedly close and key lawmakers said the tribe's proposal wasn't likely go anywhere.

Get the Story:
White Earth wants to make a deal (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/16)
White Earth pitches state-tribal casino to fund Vikings stadium (Politics in Minnesota 2/16)
White Earth pitches casino as way to help state, tribe for stadium (The Fargo Forum 2/16)
Agreement on Vikings stadium near Metrodome imminent (The Minneapolis Star Tribune 2/17)
White Earth casino ‘not in play right now’ (The Bemidji Pioneer 2/17)
Reaction to White Earth Tribe Stadium Proposal (Public News Service 2/17)
White Earth tribe touts casino as part of stadium solution (AP 2/17)

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White Earth Band to announce plan for off-reservation casino (2/16)