Letter: Little River off-reservation casino good for economy

"Once again and for reasons well beyond my level of comprehension, the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians’ casino projected for Fruitport is experiencing resistance. Some I can understand. Other casinos certainly do not want the competition. This makes sense. If they can create a monopoly, they want to keep it.

What about Speaker of the House Andy Dillon, D-Redford Twp., a candidate for governor? Let’s see, east-sider and certainly attuned to the interests of eastern Michigan. OK, it is understandable that he would gain favor with the potential support of big casino money in his area if he could prevent West Michigan from horning in on their profits. Not a very honorable reason, but a reason.

How about the Citizens for Traditional Values? I would like to preface this by saying I am most certainly in favor of traditional values — and gaming is pretty traditional in this country. Groups like CTV feel empowered to convert everyone else’s value system to be in harmony with their own somewhat limited scope of values. They say “no” to ideas that are not within their “value niche,” but never offer an effective replacement.

Maybe they could replace the casino with a tax exempt shelter for all of those people who can’t find work. It would not be in their purview to create jobs but it might be a traditional value to offer sympathy and trinkets to those without jobs."

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Letters: Casino will lead to a more prosperous Muskegon (The Muskegon 6/6)

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