Editorial: Saginaw Chippewa casino put safety first

"The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribal Council made the right call when it shut down the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort last week, then shared as much information as possible with the public and the press.

Security is always difficult at a casino. While there's extensive surveillance and security, it's a place that's open to the public.

Terrorism experts call such a place a "soft target."

Threats from disgruntled players - people do, after all, lose money at casinos - and from others often come in. But this one, somehow, was different.

It's still not clear why, and frankly, that's probably not something that should be made public. Let's assume, however, that the professionals who run the security system know what they're doing."

Get the Story:
OUR VIEW: Tribe put safety first after casino received threat (The Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun 12/21)

Earlier Story:
Thousands evacuated at Saginaw Chippewa casino (12/17)