The Red Lake Nation has established a COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Relief Program to help citizens during the pandemic.
Payments of $1,000 are available to adult citizens, according to an August 3, 2020, press release. The application process opens on August 5.
“Applicants for the payment need to certify that they have suffered economic impacts through increased expenditures, and/or decreased income as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency,” the release states. “Additionally, applicants will need to certify that they are in need of financial assistance, and that such assistance. is necessary because of the COVID-19 public health emergency.”
As of August 3, the Red Lake Emergency Response Team has confirmed 38 COVID-19 cases, Chairman Darrell G. Seki, Sr, said in a video update. Of those, 13 have recovered while the remaining 25 are being isolated in their respective communities.
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