Bureau of Indian Education Virtual Listening Session- July 8
The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) welcomes tribal leadership and stakeholders to attend an informational virtual meeting scheduled for 2:00 pm eastern standard time on July 8 to hear BIE leadership present its plans for distributing its Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to schools to support the COVID-19 Pandemic recovery. The funding will be distributed using the existing formula that is based on student counts, in addition to targeting student needs related to mental health and safety, staff training, and information technology (IT) investments.It will also address immediate needs, improve support, and develop mid-to-long term infrastructure capacity.
Please register in advance. Once registered you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- PDF: Attachment 1 – TCU and Allocations
- PDF: Attachment 2 – TCU and Allocations
- PDF: BIE Listening Session Presentation
BIE welcomes tribal leaders 2 attend an virtual meeting July 8 at 2p.m. (EST) to hear BIE's plans for distributing CARES Act funding to schools to support the COVID-19 Pandemic recovery. https://t.co/vMeH5fwxpM pic.twitter.com/hV1awtd2HM
— BureauIndianEdu (@BureauIndianEdu) July 1, 2020
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