Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Pueblo of Laguna (New Mexico)
Posted: June 4, 2020

COVID-19 Update for the Pueblo of Laguna

  • Sent 06/03/2020 21:16 MDT 

Earlier today, the POL Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has identified two additional positive cases of COVID-19 within the Pueblo of Laguna. The EOC has acted quickly to ensure the safety of all involved.

The EOC has been in direct contact with Governor Herrera and the Village Officials. Contact tracing began immediately and rapid testing has been administered to individuals who were in direct contact with the positive cases, and have been put in isolation. The EOC continues its priority to keep all individual information private and we continue to support the needs of those who have been impacted so they may have a successful outcome.

These new cases bring the Pueblo of Laguna’s total to six confirmed positive COVID-19 cases within the Pueblo boundaries. Please keep these individuals in your prayers. With other communities opening up, we have a lot more residents leaving the Pueblo to visit these areas for purposes that are not considered essential under the current Executive Order.

The EOC is seeing a significant increase in the need to have individuals tested due to increased violations resulting in possible exposure to COVID-19. In these situations, households are required to quarantine at home until test results are received which may lead to missed work causing hardship, and even leading to true COVID-19 exposure to the household and community. If the situations continue at this rate, we will begin to see a strain on the Pueblo’s Healthcare System.

As a reminder, when people continue to go into other households or allow non-residents into their household, this is not in compliance with the current Executive Order, and will be investigated. Please continue to follow the Executive Order by staying home except for essential travel for work, groceries, or medications, wear a face mask when out in public, and your exposure to COVID-19 will be minimized. Please continue to wash your hands, sneeze or cough into your elbow, and clean frequently touched surfaces.

Pueblo of Laguna:

laguna pueblo

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