For Immediate Release
The original first responders never receive promised CARES Act funding
Diné Hataałii Association releases statement requesting release of funding allocated to traditional practitioners and spiritual leaders.
WINDOW ROCK, Arizona (Navajo Nation), December 16, 2020 – The Diné Hataałii Association has released a statement requesting the Navajo Nation leadership to immediately release Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funding that was allocated to its organization.
According to the statement, the DHA met twice with the Navajo Department of Health about the CARES Act funding. During a September 30, 2020 meeting the DHA was told that each organization identified in the $2 million agreement would receive $600,000, with the final $200,000 left for those who are not members of spiritual groups. However, since that meeting the DHA has not received any response from multiple inquiries.
“We do not want the Navajo people to feel like we are adding to the criticisms about the CARES Act spending. But the people need to know that the DHA put forward a proposal knowing that our Hataałi needed support during this difficult time,” said Dr. David Johns, President of the Association. “We do not know why the Navajo Nation just stopped working with us. Some of our members never applied for the ‘hardship’ funds through the regular process because they thought they would be served through the DHA’s allocation. Now it is too late for them to apply and they will not get any assistance. The Hataałi are the first responders and essential, front line public health workers. We feel like we have just been forgotten.”
The DHA statement made the following request: “To remedy these injustices, we request the NN Office of the Controller immediately disperse the allocated hardship funds to DHA members. An apology is also in order for the lack of inclusiveness by the NN leadership in prioritizing our most treasured wisdom keepers. We look forward to meeting with NN President and Vice President and the Department of Health Director in the immediate future to resolve these issues.”
Statement by the Diné Hataałii Association December 16, 2020
We write in support for the original first responders, the Diné Hataałii and traditional practitioners and spiritual leaders of the Navajo Nation. Spiritual leaders and traditional practitioners are sought out in times of illness, hardship, fear and anxiety and that has remained true during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In June 2020, the Diné Hataałii Association (DHA) requested CARES Act relief funding. The proposal requested $1 million which was approved by the Navajo Nation Council but then vetoed by the Office of the Navajo Nation President and Vice President (OPVP). Eventually, the Navajo Nation Council and OPVP approved $2 million to be distributed to spiritual organizations (traditional and non-traditional).
The DHA and other spiritual leaders met twice with the Navajo Nation Department of Health (NDOH) leaders; and at a meeting held September 30, 2020, Navajo Nation (NN) leadership confirmed that each organization would receive $600,000 of CARES Act “hardship” funds while $200,000 would be reserved for those not members of the spiritual groups. Despite several email inquiries, face-to-face visits with NDOH leadership, we have yet to receive a response to our requests. To date, we have not received any allocated hardship funds. The lack of response is a disregard and disrespect for our traditional Diné Hataałii, and is unacceptable. The NN leadership is expected to abide by the Diné Fundamental Laws, but that has not happened.
To remedy these injustices, we request the NN Office of the Controller immediately disperse the allocated hardship funds to DHA members. An apology is also in order for the lack of inclusiveness by the NN leadership in prioritizing our most treasured wisdom keepers. We look forward to meeting with NN President and Vice President and the Department of Health Director in the immediate future to resolve these issues.
We extend gratitude to our NN leaders and council delegates, specifically Honorable Daniel Tso and Honorable Carl Slater for advancing our concerns. We are also pleased that the Hataałii have been recognized as essential healthcare providers so they can be vaccinated with the Tier 1A group.
On Behalf of our Hataałii and Spiritual and Traditional Wisdom Keepers,
Dr. David Johns
Diné Hataałii Association
About Diné Hataałii Association
Established in the 1970s, the DHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, comprised of over 200 Diné (Navajo) medicine men and women from across the reservation, that exists to protect, preserve and promote the Diné cultural wisdom, spiritual practice, and ceremonial knowledge for present and future generations. The association is certified and incorporated under the auspices of the Navajo Nation Division of Economic Development business regulatory process and is overseen by a board of directors from each of the five regions of the Navajo Nation.
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