Indianz.Com > COVID-19 > Indian Health Service
Posted: April 6, 2020

The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus data, reflecting results as of 7pm on April 5, 2020.

According to the data, a total of 6,993 within the IHS system have been tested. Of those, 474 have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. That’s an increase from the 436 previously reported.

The Albuquerque Area continues to show a fast rise in COVID-19 diagnoses. The region went from 4 cases less than a week ago to 56 in the current data.

The Oklahoma City Area also shows an increase in positive results, but also in testing. A few days ago there had only been 479 tests — now it’s up to 1,167. The number of COVID-19 cases grew from 19 to 30 in that time. 

Other regions aren’t seeing the same treatment. The Great Plains Area, for instance, serves more than 130,000 Native Americans in four states. Most of the facilities in the region are run directly by the IHS.

Yet only 166 tests have been conducted, according to the data. Seven people have tested positive. 

Similarly, the Nashville Area covers a wide range of Indian Country in New England the Northeast, the Southeast and most of Texas. But there’s only been 61 tests in the region, with 3 COVID-19 cases.

“Data is reported from IHS, tribal, and urban Indian organization facilities, though reporting by tribal and urban programs is voluntary,” the agency notes on its website. “This is a rapidly evolving situation and the IHS will provide updated information as it becomes available and is verified.”

IHS Area Tested Positive Negative
Alaska 1,017 6 326
Albuquerque 438 56 245
Bemidji 85 7 62
Billings 383 9 244
California 392 19 250
Great Plains 166 7 148
Nashville 61 3 41
Navajo 2,257 268 1,636
Oklahoma City 1,167 30 514
Phoenix 314 31 239
Portland 515 37 406
Tucson 198 1 135
TOTAL 6,993 474 4,246


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