Kickapoo Tribe prepared for another drought situation
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
The Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas is hoping a new reservoir will relieve its water woes. For the past several years, the tribe has suffered from drought conditions. Chairman Steve Cadue said this year looks to be the same. In 1998, Congress authorized a water reservoir that would help the reservation. The tribe is seeking local support but is running into some opposition from local landowners. Get the Story:
Reservoir land acquisition tiff spurs meeting (The St. Joseph News-Press 1/13)
Kickapoo Tribe down to last drop of
water (08/21)
Kickapoo Reservation
facing severe drought (8/18)
Kickapoo Tribe still waiting on
water project (02/24)
looks to Kickapoo for water (8/17)
Kickapoo Tribe part of water proposal
Kickapoo Tribe pushing water
project (6/11)
Tribe managing
limited water (12/7)
water discussed (10/26)
misses reservation (10/24)
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